Node-red - how to use multiple triggers


I am slowly trying to use node-red for my automations. Sadly enough I am too much of a noob to achieve what I want.

I have been able to set up an automations that sends a message to my iPhone when (a specific) one of my Ikea Trådlös lamps becomes unavailable.

Now I want to go to the next step. I would like the automation to send me a notification if any of my lamps becomes unavailable and to tell me which one it is. It does not necessarily have to be an Ikea lamp - cool be any lamp. Today all my lamps are Ikea but that may not be true in the future.

So what I need help with is:

  1. A node that checks all my lights (I hope I do not have to use one node for each lamp).
  2. A payload that goes through the system when any of the lamps is unavailable that includes the name of the lamp in addition to it being unavailable so I can specify this in my notification.

I appreciate all help I can get.

  1. i would try using a group. then use that group as the entity id in node red. hook it up to a debug node and see what the output looks like.

  2. why do your lamps become “unavailable”? seems like that is a bigger issue to be solved :slight_smile:

  1. Will see how that works. I fear I will not know which unit is unavailable then. The second issue if the status of the group will be unavailable if only one lamp is unavailable. On the other hand it is then easy enough to check which unit that is unavailable.

  2. The problem is family members not respecting the rules of the house :wink: