Hi iam quite new to Home Assistant.
My Setup runs with Docker
Home Assistant (homeassistant/home-assistant:stable)
MQTT (eclipse-mosquitto:latest)
zigbee2mqtt (koenkk/zigbee2mqtt:latest-dev)
node-red ( nodered/node-red)
i made it so far that HA recognize my zigbee items and a can controll them manually with HA.
No i want to start with the automation.
So i install via HACS the node-red plugin and install the integration and install under node-red the node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket.
When i try to use a block it say “Establishing connection” and stays yellow and not change to green.
Here my configuration what iam doing wrong?
Can you access them with HA as well? Mind sharing more of your config? Also, personally, I don’t see why to use Node-RED when you can already use HA’s built in automations, which work just fine to
I tried the other available authentification methods and it works with a long time token, all other options doesn’t work…
I liked the graphical idea, lets see if it is work out in real life as well
Ticking “I use the Home Assitant Add-on” didnt work for me, I’m assuming its something to do with how docker uses home assistant, its not techicanlly HASS so we dont have addons or somet?
I had to untick that, click the little “search” icon here (outlined in blue)
I then had to supply the Access Token configured in your Home Assitant profile, i created a long lived token for this.
Paste that into the Access Token field, click update then deploy, and it went green