Finally have have node-red installed and working with Home Assistant (not and everything works perfectly if I disable SSH.
If I enable SSH most things work, I can trigger events, and I can see the event stream with 'state_changed: all entities" However node-red isn’t auto populating any fields.
For example, if I add ‘call service’ I add my server & password info, nothing populates in the domain or service fields. Or if I add ‘current state’ it will not populate ‘entity id’
I can manually enter these fields, and I will receive data, it’s just that node-red isn’t seeing them during configuration.
Confused, because if I disable SSH, everything works like it should.
Slight error in the code with the flow - it does not recognise when you have changed the base url via the config.hs file. AS a short term fix you can edit the code
On line 47 of server-events-state-changed.html - we can see the url it fetches to show entities, as it does not take into account httpRoot variable I have done a quick and dirty hard code - I am sure there must be a better way of fixing this but I am not a coder as you can see below all I have done is manually put in the additional info for my installation.
I noticed you posted a question right around the same time as I did, what are the odds?
I did not change my base url, so I’m not really sure if this will work for me.
Where did you find ‘server-events-state-changed.html’ ?
Also not a coder
go to the root of your nodered where ever that is
then /node_modeul/node-red-contrib-home-assistant/nodes/server-events-state-changed/
youll also have to make the changes in the other files…to get the domain / service etc etc to work I have reported it as a bug so hoepfully they will fix it.