Node-red, turn on ledstrip, D1mini

I can turn the led on with a call service node, but I would also like to choose a specific color. How to configure that?

In your data field, you can include any of the properties listed in the box there.

For example, if you wanted to set the light to red, and the brightness to 50%, your data field would say:

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Thank you very much - the problem is solved.

Hi, I´m trying to do the same, using in the data field

{ "entity_id": "light.led", "brightness": "10"},

the light turn on at 100% brightness for an instant and then set it up to 10%.
I haven’t been able to avoid this problem. Could be a hardware issue?

All this using tasmota on a D1 mini with a ws2182 strip

Thanks for your help!

Sorry - I’m unfamiliar with using Tasmota to control a WS2812 strip. I’ve only used McLighting for that task (which doesn’t have that issue).

I’d recommend you use something like MQTT.fx to ensure the message being sent over is ONLY your brightness message, and not the turn_on message at the same time, as that could cause the issue.

I am also using tasmota in a H801 controller and calling the parameters above make it to turn 100% (255). Then, if I call it again, then it goes to brightness=10. Weird.
Someone knows how to make it to work calling the service just once?