I was planning on moving my automation to AppDaemon, but I have read a couple of places that people consider Node red “significantly” faster.
Is that picture generally correct or is it special cases/setup that results in Node Red being faster?
I was planning on moving my automation to AppDaemon, but I have read a couple of places that people consider Node red “significantly” faster.
Is that picture generally correct or is it special cases/setup that results in Node Red being faster?
I’ve never used node red but I would be interested to hear more about this - faster can mean a lot of things, but in the end, AppDaemon is limited by the speed of Python on the box running it. I am getting scheduler events fired and actioned within milliseconds, and no noticeable lag between events happening and AppDaemon’s response, so I’m not understanding how Node Red can be faster, and even if it is why that would be significant?
I use AppDaemon on a RaspberryPi B+ and get immediate responses to automations. If Node Red is faster it wouldn’t be significant.
I believe that appdaemon is running in the hass process so the only reason I can think of that nodered might be faster is because it’s is running in a separate process. But then you have process to process communication overhead that appdaemon doesn’t have to deal with. To me anyway, the usefulness of doing everything in python via appdaemon is much more important…
Based on what I found online, execution wise, Javascript V8 is about about 6.3 times faster than Python 3.
Now, ask me if that matters for our use case. The answer is most likely not since the human user doesn’t really care as long things happen within 0.1-0.2 seconds for “fast” events. Many events can take minutes to complete and the user won’t care.
I use Node-RED because it is fast and simple to program in, debugging is easy, and it was very easy to setup.
It isn’t currently although it will do in the future.
I agree!
So it really comes down to a matter of preference. If you are comfortable with Python, definitely take a look at AppDaemon, choose Node Red if that appeals to you, but I don;t think the performance aspect is relevant.
i also think that in the speed that we use there cant be a significant difference.
but even if there was i think it wouldnt be relevant.
i use appdaemon for everything and most of the time i just need to put in breaks if i want things to work correct.
i imagine that there are devices that are faster then mine, but i dont think it would matter much.
besides that there are a lot of other factors playing a role in the total time from user action to result, which are probably delaying more then the speed from the program.
i woulnt mind seeing a serious comparison, but i dont think there have been people that really did check what is faster or not. if people are saying it, it is probably just a gut feeling based on other moments with other settings.
Okay, it fortunately seems like I can proceed with Appdaemon without any real fear of slow performance.
depends how you write your apps and how many mistakes you make