NodeMCU Home Alarm system (sensors really)

TLDR; I ripped out ADT and replaced it with Home Assistant and 3 NodeMCUs! And then Blogged about it.



Thank you for sharing this. It’s a really good write up and seams relatively easy to do.

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Nice job on this article, Carlo! Well written and will help a lot of users. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Hope this doesn’t put the watch cat out of work though! :laughing:

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@CCOSTAN this is great! I think we chatted earlier this summer over on Reddit. I’m Nate from Konnected … creator of the Konnected Security for SmartThings that is also based on a NodeMCU! I think I remember you said you were inspired by my project (or maybe my earlier one) so thanks!

I’ve been getting a lot of great feedback on Konnected from the SmartThings community and was thinking about building official support for HomeAssistant. What do people here think about this? would HASS users be interested in a product that could hook up their wired alarm sensors to it out-of-the-box?