Noob Nest question

I successfully installed and got HA running. Made some minor changes to the config file to ensure everything works fine. I have two Nest thermostats and proceeded to discover them, following the instructions to setup a developer account and generate the client_id and secret for my config file. After entering the OAuth PIN and restarting several more round icons appeared on the Overview. It appears that my config changes are correct but I expected to see the temp of both thermostats and the ability to change them. What am I missing?

Can you share a screen shot of your front end? You should have a climate item in the states table too. You have to click and expand the thermostat to adjust the settings.

I can get additional round icons to appear by changing the developer Nest website device permissions, but can’t get control.

click the <> state tab icon and see if you have any climate entities.

Could you please post

  1. Your config
  2. Any error log?
  3. Your developer account’s permission setting


name: Home

latitude: **.726918
longitude: ***.371438

elevation: 161

unit_system: imperial
time_zone: America/Los_Angeles
customize: !include customize.yaml










  • platform: yr


  • platform: google


group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

client_id: ---****-***
client_secret: ********************
- Home

title: Configurator
icon: mdi:wrench
url: :3218

There are no errors in the log.

Thermostat: read/write
Other: Away Read, ETA Write,Structure Read/Write, Postal Code Read

You don’t need set structure if you have only one “home” in Nest App. I am guessing you may have different name for your structure, not Home.

Another possible is you must be the “owner” of your structure, a guest account cannot use Nest API.

I removed my wife’s access and now I can toggle my Home/Away status from and it is reflected in the HA Logbook.

I expect to see an icon for each thermostat displaying their current settings and temp in Overview. Should I install HA Dashboard to see the thermostat values?

HA Dashboard is not part of home-assistant, it is unrelated.

If you click “< >” in the bottom of sidebar, you can find all of your entities, you should be able find climate.living_room or something similar for you thermostat

If you still have problem, you can turn on debug log and see what you can get

# in configuration.yml
  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.climate.nest: debug
    homeassistant.components.nest: debug
    nest: debug

I removed the Structure and deleted the ‘Home’ structure from I had created a different one that have the thermostats. Now I have the Climate widgets for both thermostats but also have 20+ round icons at the top of the overview page for various features of both thermostats. How do I remove them?

More progress! I connected to my security doorbell by a different vendor. :slight_smile:


Eventually, you may need

Thanks! I don’t think I would have stumbled across this or the use of the developer icons without your help. I now see the value of using other yaml files, like custom.yaml. My progress is much better.