I’m very inexperienced with this sort of thing, and I’m trying to figure out how to modify this to be functional in Home Assistant. Is that possible?
if so, what would I need to do?
This is what I attempted, uploading that folder into the “Custom_Components” in /config.
Then, in configuration.yaml, added this:
name: “Eveatmo”
extra_co2_sensor: true
co2_alert_threshold: 1000,
ttl: 540
client_id: XXX
client_secret: XXX
username: XXX
password: XXX
Then, I proceeded to utilize it as a sensor, using the Netatmo platform from HA.
When I check the configuration, I get:
Component not found: eveatmo
Platform not found: sensor.eveatmo
Thusly, I think I’m missing something obvious from that upload, or don’t have the technical knowledge to know how to activate it, if that indeed is at all possible.
Thanks for your help!