NORTEK USB dongle and random 'device unavailable'

I have two devices, a Leviton DZPA1 and a ZOOZ ZEN25 that randomly check themselves out of my ZWave network. I can unplug them, carry them back close to my Raspberry Pi and reconnect them and all is well for a few days then they do it again. I have thought it was a range problem except that other devices in the same area don’t seem to have a problem. I have done the network healing task multipal times also no help. Has anyone encountered the same problem and any fix? Thanks

You shouldn’t move the devices at all, try pinging or healing the individual devices, healing the network can cause severe issues and delays, especially when using battery operated devices. Any logging available perhaps?

Im still pretty new at this, finding the particular log items is still beyond me. Are you saying to use the ‘healing’ option after moving a switch-plug to its final place?

You should always pair devices where they will reside.

I have trouble doimg that as some will pair from across my house ans some wont, even if i have some paired devices in between.