So I have a very strange issue with mosquito broker plugin. I am able to subscribe to topics from it and have no issues what so ever there. When i’m going to publish via a home assistant and even from a third party client on a windows machine the message is never published.
I can confirm this as i’m taking a tcpdump towards the RF Bridge from the broker and nothing is being sent. So this has nothing to do with an incorrect command.
Is it possible to enable some debug logs on the Mosquitto Broker Plugin ? As from the normal logs i’m not seeing anything.
Kindly Advice,
Did you test sending and receiving MQTT messages by using the HA “Listen” & " Publish" utility? (Developer Tools > MQTT).
If you have a MQTT topic such as “TempSensor” I advise you to add the hashtag “#” after the topic when listening. This displays all messages starting with “TempSensor”.
So in the " Listen to a Topic" textbox you fill in TempSensor/#
This should work first before any further steps can be done.
I’m able to receive (listen) messages without any issues the issue that i have is to publish. I tried both from hass developer mode and even a third party app on windows. I’m asking if there is a possibility to enable debug mode on the mosquitto broker to see what is happening their.
any updates please on this issue. I feel extremely lost
I am using MQTT Lens https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mqttlens/hemojaaeigabkbcookmlgmdigohjobjm?hl=en as an independent tool to publish or subscribe on MQTT messages. You can connect to any MQTT broker. What the mosquitto broker does is in essence very simply, receive and publish messages to and from connected clients so I have the feeling something else is wrong.
does the user you’re using to connect with the broker has write permission on that topic? check in the permission file.
Issue solved. The Topic should be first the hostname then CMND.
Thanks Alot for your help and support.