I am currently using scenes to set my light (8 total), but about 25% to 40% of the time some of the light bulbs (1 to 2, not always the same ones) do not update.
- Home assistant → Conbee II
- Sengled BR30 (E12-N1E) x 8
**LQI ~ 255
**RSSI -50 to -61 - 2 - innr SP 224 (not used, bought because they work as repeaters)
**I setup these up two ways, one next to the conbee and the second one in the room with the lights and
**Both in the room with the lights
Everything is located on same level (basement)
Method I am using to set lights (with best results)
milliseconds: 200
I have tried using groups too, but the failure rate is higher then then 200ms delay
- name: Normal-group
id: Normal-group
icon: “mdi:white-balance-sunny”
state: “on”
brightness: 156
rgb_color: [255,255,255]
xy_color: [0.323, 0.329]
color_temp: 330
Any tips on how to troubleshoot why not 100% or 95% success rate on setting lights?
Can I use a script to set it then, then check it 2 seconds later, and set it again if it didn’t change?