Not working - I cannot access Home Assistant

It seems that it is still not connected to your network. The Home Assistant OS appears to be working because you can use the cli. Could it be a hardware problem? Have you tried a different network cable? Is there a limit on the DHCP reservations on your router? etc.

I have tried a new ethernet cable - that has not worked.

Could it be an underpowering issue? CLI did say it detected this?

Absolutely it could.

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The best IP scanner I have found is the Advanced IP Scanner. (Free for home use). You can filter results by the MAC address.

From the Home Assistant console, can you ping the router? Or anything on your network? If not, then Home Assistant is not connected to your network.

If you can ping anything on your network, then ping from a Windows command window: ping homeassistant /4

Here’s an idea. Flash another micro SSD with Raspian. Make sure your Raspberry will even connect to yourr internet.