Notification Mayhem guidance. Alarmo, Duplicates, Actionable!

Hi all,
I’ve got a series of notifications that trigger different things.
However, I seem to have the following issue’s with them:

  1. On iOS I get duplicate notifications, nowhere else. The first notification will have everything apart from the camera stream. The second one will come instantly after and have the full data. I’m sure it’s my YAML, but I dont know which part. YAML below.

  2. My actionable notifications dont work. I’m trying to trigger specific scenes, and figured the easiest way to do this might be via the URL/URI action. But I’m clearly not getting the syntax right and there seem to be no search results I can find with answers.
    I have the relevant options on the notification, but they don’t do anything when pressed.

service: notify.notify
  message: All primary switches have been turned back on.
  title: Welcome Home
    push: null
    category: camera
    entity_id: camera.driveway_high_camera
      name: Alert_1stParty_Haptic.caf
      - action: uri
        title: Dad's Home
        URI: >-
      - action: homeassistant://call_service/scene.turn_on?entity_id=scene.mum_s_home
        title: Mum's Home
      - action: uri
        title: Driveway Gate
        URI: /call_service/scene.turn_on?entity_id=scene.open_driveway_gate

Thank you for any guidance on this!