I am new to HA and I am trying to test smtp notifications by generating an email when I turn a lamp off. As I was trying to debug this error I eventually placed the following code in the configuration.yaml file.
service: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
The above passes the CHECK CONFIG validation test in HASSIO
After turning the light off and on in the HA GUI, no smtp notification is sent. When checking the log - I see the following warning:
Unable to find service notify/notifier_name
Any ideas as to what the problem is? The warning seems to be replacing my “.” with a “/”
It says that it can’t find the “message” key. A notify service has to have a message to send. At least the SMTP does. You’re calling the service but not telling it what to send.
As for the indents you need to select all the code then click the </> button at the top of the window.