Notification when the temperature exceeds a certain value


unfortunately I am not able to do this automation which I thought would be simple and therefore I would like to ask for your help.
I use this sensor Water Leak Sensor - Aqara to measure the temperature and I would like to receive a notification on my mobile when the temperature is higher than 14 degrees.
Unfortunately, the notification does not come. When I start the automation manually, the notification comes. So the problem is probably with loading information about the temperature.

alias: TEST
description: ""
  - type: temperature
    device_id: f3543bbcf7988006fa5a5f26d67b46b8
    entity_id: d077446297f67b2713f72950a46a9b6f
    domain: sensor
    trigger: device
    above: 14
conditions: []
  - device_id: 15838345838355d77b2f36411f1b1e89
    domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    message: Vysoká teplota v lednici!
    title: Teplota v lednici
      ttl: 0
      priority: high
  - device_id: b217d35d300b78be20b279023bb2367c
    domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    message: Vysoká teplota v lednici!
    title: Teplota v lednici
      ttl: 0
      priority: high
mode: single

Your automation has a Numeric Device Trigger. It will trigger when the sensor’s temperature increases from below 14 to a value above 14.

In other words, it triggers only when the temperature crosses the threshold of 14. This behavior is explained in the documentation (see Numeric State Trigger).

If the sensor’s temperature is already above 14, the automation will not trigger until the temperature first decreases below 14 then increases above 14 (i.e. the value must cross the threshold).

An automation’s Run command only executes its actions. It doesn’t test the automation’s triggers or conditions.

If you want to test the automation’s trigger, manually set the sensor’s value to 13, then manually set it to a value greater than 14. This should cause your automation to trigger. You can use Developer Tools → States to manually set the sensor’s value (use the entity’s Set State button).

Thanks for the explanation. In that case it works as I need.

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