🔔 Notifications - Actionable Mobile Notifications Script, with optional Timeout Feature and Camera Snapshots [works with iOS/Android]

Anyone know how to add a number selector or text input as the user response? I want a user to select 1 to 24 (hours) so I can set a Timer.


Not in the current script, but you’d be able to do so if you built the payload manually.

You’d have to handle a whole host of input validation though, or maybe run it through an LM to distill the numbers you want on the fly.

In a different thread someone answered with 2 separate sets of info. I’m super new to all of this I have no idea if adding what he suggests to your blueprint would be easy or makes sense?

Instead of messing with all the timers I would probably just use a Number Helper and template condition… if you use the slugified entity ID of the automation as the object ID of the number you could use the following condition in each automation:

  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {% set n_hours = states('number.'~this.entity_id | slugify) | int(0) %}
      {{ now() > this.attributes.last_triggered | default(as_datetime(0),1)
      + timedelta(hours = n_hours ) }}

There are limits to how many actions you can have… you can use the REPLY action to get a text input for your number.

  - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
      message: "This is where the message goes"
        channel: automation_throttle_backyard_motion  
          - action: "REPLY"
            title: "Hours to Disable (1-24)"

One of the issues using a “REPLY” action is that you loose the ability to append the context.id to it to get a unique value for the Wait for Trigger. You can use unique channel ID’s to help with that.


Example taking advantage of the textInput behavior noted below:

  - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
      message: "There's something moving in the Back Yard"
        channel: automation_throttle_backyard_motion  
          - action: "DELAY_TIMER_{{context.id}}"
            title: "Set Delay Hours (1-24)"
            behavior: textInput

@samuelthng can you expand “Device to notify” section to allow adding multiple Entities?