Notify group stopped working

I have been searching and searching and I cannot figure out what has happened.

This was working a few days ago and doesn’t seem to be working any longer.

I am on Home Assistant 2021.4.3, and use the official mobile app on my personal Android device, and my work iPhone.

Sending test notifications directly to the mobile apps through developer tools works fine (for both the android phone and the iPhone):

service: notify.mobile_app_justin_s_phone
  message: test message
  title: test title

Below is how my notify groups are currently set up.

They pass configuration checks and appear to be set up correctly per the instructions here.

I reference them through: notify: !include notify.yaml in my config file, and the notify.yaml looks like this:

- name: android_notify_group
  platform: group
    - service: notify_mobile_app_justin_s_phone
    - service: notify_mobile_app_samsung_galaxy_tab_s_2

- name: ios_notify_group
  platform: group
    - service: mobile_app_justins_work_phone

When attempting to send a test notification through developer tools, this is what I’m sending, which zero results:

service: notify.android_notify_group
  message: test message
  title: test title

I have gone through the release notes of the past few releases and I am not seeing anything referencing notify groups changing at all. I’m sure it’s something stupid I’m missing, but hopefully, someone can help me out here.

Hi there…

I just tried your example and it also fails here. No notifications are shown on any of my Shield TVs. It works if I send it directly to each.

My problem is that if I try to send the same push notifications to each one in the same automation, then I only get it on my second shield ld the first shield is turned on.

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Is the android service not


rather than


The iphone service as well

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Unfortunately not - already tried that because that is how it works with a single call:

nvalid config for []: invalid slug notify.notify_shield1 (try notify_notify_shield1) for dictionary value @ data['services'][0]['service']. Got 'notify.notify_shield1'. (See ?, line ?).

EDIT: I don’t know why I did not try that in the first place, but what solved it was to remove all the “notify” stuff in front and simply type the actual name of the shield provided under the Notification service:


- name: android_notify_group
  platform: group
    - service: shield1
    - service: shield2

Now we are good and I get the messages.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all the replies!

I forgot to report back that I got it to work with this code in my notify.yaml:

- platform: group
  name: android_notify_group
    - service: mobile_app_justin_s_phone
    - service: mobile_app_samsung_galaxy_tab_s_2
    - service: mobile_app_justins_work_tablet

I have this under notify.yaml

 - platform: group
  name: all_ios_devices
    - service: notify_mobile_app_seans_iphone
    - service: notify_mobile_app_iphone_3
    - service: notify_mobile_app_matt_griffins_iphone 

Notifying the group does not work, notifying individual phones does work. Not sure what to do.

Did you copy and paste that? The formatting is wrong. platform name and services should line up.

- platform: group
  name: all_ios_devices
    - service: notify_mobile_app_seans_iphone
    - service: notify_mobile_app_iphone_3
    - service: notify_mobile_app_matt_griffins_iphone 

I am also getting this issue. I can notify a single device but cannot notify a group. To test, I created a simple automation with no triggers set to notify the group. To simplify, I put a single device in the group. It does not work.

Here is my group:

  - name: all_phones
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_xxx_phone

and here is my automation

id: '1656108067799'
alias: New Automation
description: ''
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: notify.all_phones
      message: Test
mode: single

OK I figured it out but I think it’s a bug with home assistant. I renamed my phone from “sm_973f” to “xxx_phone” but the notify service is still called “notify.mobile_app_sm_973f”. I restarted HASS to no avail. I think this is a bug! I posted a bug report in a seperate thread

Has anyone been able to fix this. I tried all possible options. But my group just doesn’t get recognised.
below is my configuration.

  - platform: group
    name: all_android
      - service: notify_mobile_app_z_flip
      - service: notify_mobile_app_pixel_7_pro

Did you ever resolve this I got the same issue!

I just upgraded from an old HA core version to the most recent OS version. Now I have the same issue. I am creating a notification group in the yaml like

  - name: all_devices
    platform: group
      - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
      - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6

But no new service shows up when I refresh everything.

My bad. Turns out that when I remove the notify. prefix and restart, it works.