I’ve been using the Notion integration along with the other whopping 150 people.
Suddenly I keep having to type in the password. This integration has been working stable for years and unfortunately since there is nearly no-one using is except for us few 151 users, I can’t find any information from anyone else that might be having a similar situation.
Is anyone other than me still having issues with this Notion integration? I have updated to 2024.6.4, removed and reinstalled the integration and this keeps coming up a couple of hours after providing the password.
** update **
I deleted my Notion account and created a new one. It only lasted about 24 hr. and today is showing the same message again:
Here is what the log shows:
2024-07-05 20:29:41.201 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.notion] Authentication failed while fetching [email protected] data: Invalid username and/or password
2024-07-05 20:31:45.964 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202406101] Failed to format translation for key 'component.notion.config.step.reauth_confirm.title' in language 'en'. Error: The intl string context variable "name" was not provided to the string "Authentication expired for {name}"
Any help will be tremendously appreciated
Now that Notion is no more (they seem to have disappeared at the end of last year) I’ve been wondering if there’s a way to connect the sensors directly to HA by flashing some alternative firmware to them. I’m not well educated on that sort of thing but it seems like these could probably connect via Zigbee? It looks like the sensor is based around an EFR32 chip.
My Notion stopped communicating with HA and with the phone app a few days ago. I’ve tried to reset the bridge, but it just hangs at the “Adding bridge” point in the app.
OTOH, the getnotion website is still up and still apparently selling notion hardware. From that, it’s not completely clear of the whole system is kaput or if I just have a local problem. Any other notion users out there who can report status?
Oh that’s surprising - when I made the post last week the getnotion.com website wasn’t loading for me and I assumed it was permanently offline. Their “live chat” just loops back to the homepage and their zendesk support page has been deleted. According to LinkedIn they were acquired by Pepper (ca. 12/2022) but digging around Pepper wasn’t exactly informative.
I’d just hate for these sensors to become paperweights.
I just wanted to jump on and say I was one of the 152 users of Notion and in the last 2 weeks I am getting a huge amount of reconfigure / reauthenticate messages, every day. Prior to that, it has been only every few weeks/months.
My notion hub finally did get through the re-config and has been working normally again, except as you mention it seems to need me to re-enter the password in HA on a regular basis, roughly on a 3-6 week cadence. No recent change to that.