Hi, I am using the Blackymas for NSPANEL all worked like a charm but I need to invert the relays logic to control my heater with a pilot wire with a diode.
Where should I make this inversion? I guess the best way to to it could be at the lowest level in ESPHOME
this is my current ESPHOME config:
###### CHANGE ME START ######
device_name: "nspanel"
wifi_ssid: "ccccc"
wifi_password: "cccccc"
#nextion_update_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_eu.tft"
nextion_update_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/main/nspanel_eu.tft"
##### addon-configuration #####
## addon_climate ##
# addon_climate_heater_relay: "1" # possible values: 1/2
##### CHANGE ME END #####
url: https://github.com/Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint
ref: main
- nspanel_esphome.yaml # Core package
# - nspanel_esphome_advanced.yaml # activate advanced (legacy) elements - can be useful for troubleshooting
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_cool.yaml # activate for local climate (cooling) control
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml # activate for local climate (heater) control
refresh: 300s
##### My customization - Start #####
##### My customization - End #####