NSPanel Lovelace UI use hardware buttons and send notifications to screensaver

Hi, i am new to Home Assistant and also to the NSPanel
I was able to flash/install the lovelace UI as described in Prepare NsPanel - NsPanel Lovelace UI Docs
I changed the UI as desired and this works fine.

I also decoupled the hardware buttons, but i can’t see them in HA UI, whats wrong ? All i can see are the relais.

I would also like to use Notifications on Screensaver, but i dont know how to implement this in HA, the instructions on this page doesn’t help. Notifications - NsPanel Lovelace UI Docs

Anyone can help with these issues ?

I am interested in this also. I have been using the blueprint but want to try Lovelace UI on a spare panel and have been doing research in this prior. Another post I found suggested to use the MQTT event in the automation but I’m not sure what this means exactly until I try myself later.

I checked this out now and figure out you need to use MQTT trigger.

Just look at the NSPanel’s webserver to find out info, here I have up to press 5x and can modify automation above…