I’m going to begin using an old nuc like mini pc I have laying around instead of my rpi3b+. I’ll install ubuntu vm on proxmox then install hassio in a docker there. But how about everything else, do i install deconz using hassio addon or rather as a separate docker container? Same goes for nodeRed, influxdb, etc. Do I use marthocs version of the deconz or the official one? I will be buying a new nuc soon as this one uses the j1900 and the new one will be built on j5005.
Hassio add-ons are separate docker containers
Thanks, so they get installed separately, what about deconz official vs marthoc?
Hassio manages the add-on containers for you so you don’t have to. If you don’t care to mess with your system, that’s the way to go.
No idea. I don’t use any deconz anything.
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thanks! I guess I’ll give both a try