Numeric_state condition... cannot be processed as a number

I have an automation that should notice me when my DSL line drops below a specific throughput because that generally means that there is some physical problem on my landline. So I can call immediately my provider to fix the problem.

I have this trigger

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.fritz_box_7590_link_download_throughput
below: 30000
id: below
value_template: ""

and an action to be noticed.

I got some warnings in the logs:

2023-01-11 00:12:31.413 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.homeassistant.triggers.numeric_state] Error in 'websocket_api' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: entity sensor.fritz_box_7590_link_download_throughput state '' cannot be processed as a number

I can understand that there is some problem with the state of my entity which is not a number.
However I put this:
in developper tools template and I got:

Result type: number


This template listens for the following state changed events:

* **Entity**: sensor.fritz_box_7590_link_download_throughput

What am I doing wrong?


Remove this from the trigger:

It converts your sensor state to an empty string.


Thank You!
Playing with the visual editor probably added the line but I didn’t realize the importance of the quotation marks.


Thx. I didn’t remember that I added this value template, but it was in the yaml view

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Thanks. This sorted me out too