NUT USB UPS not showing runtime

I have just added the NUT addin on Home Assistant and connected it directly to my Ablerex UPS using a USB cable. While the specific model (VT-PRO1000) 600W does not exist in the supported devices list, i used the nutdrv_qx driver and got many entities through the integration, the battery runtime sensor is missing.

Although i have seen a lot of posts saying you can add the rutimecalc argument in your ups configuration, i cannot for the life of me figure out how.

Here is what i have so far:


Can you please help me?

I don’t know the answer, but a little familiar with NUT, so I’ll try to help.
Googling around I found this particular configuration for a NUT server running on Linux:

nano /etc/nut/ups.conf

    driver = blazer_usb
    port = auto
    runtimecal = 486,100,1296,50

I also took a look at the AddOn docs here.

Seems there are a couple of possibilities for the AddON’s YAML:

  1. Add it like all the other parameters:
- name: myups
  driver: nutdrv_qx
  port: auto
  runtimecalc: 240,100,720,50
  1. Use the config option
- name: myups
  driver: nutdrv_qx
  port: auto
    -  runtimecalc: 240,100,720,50

I actually found the AddOn code that deals with the YAML here, and it appears it should work per my #2 above.

Thank you so much for replying. I managed to find this after a tone of digging, but the documents don’t show specifically how to do it for home assistant. It works the way i showed above but i don’t understand how will it show the remaining time based on the load?