NWS forecast backwards

I’m using the NWS integration and while it works, it seems to display the day/night temperatures backwards. Can’t figure out what would cause this. Has anyone run into anything similar? I found some old threads but nothing mentions this and it was all before it was an included component in the later releases. In the example below, the AM and PM temps for each day should be reversed. It’s Florida, but it will not be 84 today at 9am lol. Hourly seems to work, it’s only daynight that seems to be backwards.


from my config

  - platform: nws
    api_key: !secret nws_api
    station: KDAB
    name: Daytona Beach
    mode: daynight

Pretty sure those aren’t the temps at those time.

It’s a “Today” and “Tonight”.

Today shows the high for the day.

Tonight shows the lows for the night.

Take a look at the NWS forecast for Orlando. They seem to line up with what you have.

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Ah, makes sense! Thanks for the clarification.

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This is 100% correct. Each forecast is time-stamped with the ‘start-time’ of the forecast. So you’ll notice that the first forecast tracks closely with the current time, while each subsequent forecast is at 6 AM/PM.

I have an update to the NWS integration as a PR that includes this information in the proposed documentation, so hopefully it won’t be confusing going forward. Hard to say when this will happen though.

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Also each forecast has a daytime attribute that you can use to tell if it is day or night forecast.