NWS Pulling Old Data

The NWS integration seems to update entity states (for temperature, humidity, etc.) slowly, and when it does update, it is pulling in data up to an hour old.

Here is one of the stations I am using:

New data is available from NWS at both 5 minute and 1 hour intervals. It seems like the NWS integration uses the hourly data for updating the entities. While I would prefer to get updates at 5 or 10 minute intervals, 1 hour would be acceptable, but the integration seems to update an hour after the data has been posted, so the values I have are up to two hours old (ex. it pulls the values from 10am at 11am). This makes this data much less useful.

Is there any way to force an update, or somehow improve this? Reloading the integration entry does not work.

My observation is the NWS updates current observations when there’s a sufficient change within an interval. Here’s a recent example of relative humidity:


NWS provide forecast updates at the top of the hour at 6 AM and 6 PM local time, which is the fixed transition between day and night. The rest of the update times are usually somewhat random, which perhaps occur when there is a sufficient change in the forecast.

BTW, there are times when forecasts revert to a previous one. Here’s an example where the 4 AM forecast reappears after the 5 AM forecast. This is a known issue and is scheduled to be fixed in a future refactor of the NWS API, called NGITWS.

FYI, here’s how to define your polling interval:

  - trigger:
      - trigger: time_pattern
        minutes: "/5"
      - trigger: homeassistant
        event: start