OctoPrint Persistent Notification - Invalid Config when 3D Printer is not turned on


Does anyone know of a way to get the Invalid Config message to be ignored when restarting Home Assistant? The configuration is fine, the issue is that if my 3D Printer isn’t turned on then it cannot connect & get values from OctoPrint/the 3D Printer.

My configuration can be found on GitHub.

17-04-04 12:29:41 ERROR (Thread-8) [homeassistant.components.octoprint] Error setting up OctoPrint API: 
HTTPError('409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:',)
17-04-04 12:29:41 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for octoprint: Component failed to 
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to setup dependencies of sensor.octoprint. 
Setup failed for dependencies: octoprint
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform 
sensor.octoprint: Could not setup all dependencies.
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up platform 
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/lib/python3.4/site-
packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py", line 152, in _async_setup_platform
None, platform.setup_platform, self.hass, platform_config,
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'setup_platform'



if you find how i be happy to learn…

Wondering if this is related to PR #6719.

@brianjking This has always been an issue since I added support for OctoPrint. I have considered making a change to prevent it, but I am not sure how we should address it.

I will try to look at this soon. I am thinking some try/catch logic could be added to prevent the warning, and allow it to just start working if the Print comes on.

This wouldn’t prevent the issue if the host running octoprint was down during startup.

@w1ll1am23 – Thank you! Yeah, it seems like you could look for errors like the log below and hide the persistent notification. However, this might be tough if the config also has other sensors that are having issues and triggering the notification.

Please let me know if you need any assistance in testing. I’d be happy to help out.

17-04-04 12:29:41 ERROR (Thread-8) [homeassistant.components.octoprint] Error setting up OctoPrint API: 
HTTPError('409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:',)
17-04-04 12:29:41 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for octoprint: Component failed to 
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to setup dependencies of sensor.octoprint. 
Setup failed for dependencies: octoprint
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform 
sensor.octoprint: Could not setup all dependencies.
17-04-04 12:29:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up platform 
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/lib/python3.4/site-
packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py", line 152, in _async_setup_platform
None, platform.setup_platform, self.hass, platform_config,
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'setup_platform'

@w1ll1am23 - Didn’t realize you were the dev on this one too! It would be great if we could dial down the errors. Also noticed that the sensors don’t support customized icons either.

Would it be possible just to turn off the errors by raising the logger error level? What domain would we use though; homeasssistant.component.octoprint doesn’t seem to work.

I really like the idea of having OctoPrint support in HA because it allows me to set notifications to TTS when my prints are done or I reach target temps. But unless I keep the printer on 24 hours a day, my error logs get huge.

@rpitera :grin: yeah I did the work for Octoprint, Trackr, SimpliSafe, and most of Wink.

So I am using the printer-3d icon in my customize.yaml and it works? What are you trying that isn’t working?

As for the errors, I’ll get those fixed ASAP. Kinda waiting on https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/4937 in order to fix the issue starting up HA without octoprint running or the printer attached. So the fix I’ll have will prevent the errors in the log for when HA was running already and so was octoprint, but then you turned your printer off.

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Well, I’m certainly familiar with your tireless work on Wink! :wink: I just added a comment to that issue to reinforce the need for it.

When I tried adding my own icons to the sensors, I got an error whether I put the icon declaration in customize or in the sensor yaml itself.

Opened a PR for the logging. https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/7441

As for the icon thing, are you using your own images or mdi icons?

MDI icons. If I have this in my customize.yaml

  icon: mdi:printer-3d
  icon: mdi:download

I get the following errors:

May 04 13:25:25 raspi1 hass[28452]: 17-05-04 13:25:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [homeassistant]: [sensor.octoprint.current_state] is an invalid option for [homeassistant]. Check: homeassistant->customize->sensor.octoprint.current_state. (See /home/hass/configuration.yaml, line 6).
May 04 13:25:25 raspi1 hass[28452]: 17-05-04 13:25:25 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=create, domain=persistent_notification, service_data=notification_id=invalid_config, message=The following components and platforms could not be set up:
May 04 13:25:25 raspi1 hass[28452]: * [homeassistant](https://home-assistant.io/components/homeassistant/)
May 04 13:25:25 raspi1 hass[28452]: Please check your config, title=Invalid config, service_call_id=1978367696-1>
May 04 13:25:25 raspi1 hass[28452]: Config directory: /home/hass/

Comment them out and HA loads fine. Spacing and indents are correct,

I’ll try out the PR later in the day - working out in the garden at the moment and just checked in. As soon as I get a chance, I’ll let you know what my results were - thanks for this!

I think that should be

sensor.octoprint_current_state not sensor.octoprint.current_state

Well gee whiz, if you want to get all technical and have me use the correct entity_id… :blush:

I feel foolish; I really should have checked that myself before asking, I’m sorry. But that was definitely it.

Have the PR loaded, will report back on status later - working, but I’m going to turn off my printer before I go hit the HomeDepot for more potting soil and then I’ll check back in regarding the error situation.

Thanks for pointing out my error! Nice to see the new icons.

Just checked quickly before I left and got a whole stream of these errors:

17-05-04 15:16:14 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:14 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:14 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:14 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-7) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:16:45 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:16 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:17:47 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:18 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:18:49 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-7) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-7) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-7) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:20 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:19:51 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:22 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-7) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:20:53 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:24 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-5) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:21:55 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-4) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:26 ERROR (Thread-3) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-11) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-1) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-10) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-6) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-9) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:
17-05-04 15:22:57 ERROR (Thread-8) [custom_components.octoprint] Failed to update OctoPrint status.  Error: 409 Client Error: CONFLICT for url:

Still better than what was there before though!

Yeah, it still logs and error just not the trace back. You should be able to increase the logging level to fix that one. Try setting the logging level to

homeassistant.components.octoprint: critical

and see if that helps.

I actually had it set to fatal when it was showing those errors (but I checked my spelling to make sure!). But like I said, have a 456kb is a major improvement over having a 45600kb log! This will work for now, w1ll1am - thanks so much!

tracking this topic as I too would like a solution to the HA octoprint errors at startup if the printer is not on. I had some decent automations working with it because my 3d printer and pi running octorpint were hooked up to a wemo switch so if a print finished and I did not start a new one within 15 min, octoprint pi would shutdown and then the wemo would turn everything off. It is also handy to have overheat automations to shut everything off as well. However, I ended up disabling the component. It is a really useful component, nice work!

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Recently setup Octoprint, I will be watching this for improvements, I will also be keeping an eye on my logs.

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We’ll have to be patient though; @w1ll1am23 is the dev for a number of projects, not the least of which is the Wink component and sensors and he’s been working hard on a particularly troublesome issue. I think he’s closed in on it, but like I said, we’ll need to be patient.

Also, there’s a PR regarding error handling that he is depending on to correct some of this as well.

Any progress on this? I got octoprint installed the other night and just realized there was already a component for it out there.