I have a few Tado TRVs which were working fine for months but recently started misbehaving in a very strange way.
Here is my simple setup: I have a zigbee window sensor that triggers an automation when the window in my bedroom is open. When that happens, the automation turns off the Tado trv thermostat (setting hvac to off). As soon as the TRV goes off - the target temp becomes equal to the current temp and then they start going down to together as the room cools down.
When I close the window in couple of hours - the automation sets the hvac mode back to Heat. Up until few days ago - as soon as the TRV goes back to Heat hvac mode - the original target temperature used to be set and heating started.
But recently what started happening with this trv is that when hvac gets set back to Heat - the target temp continues to follow the current one, effectively never heating the room. This happens sporadically and is not reproducible every time. I feel like if the thermostat stays off for longer period it forgets its target temp so when it goes back to heating - one has to set the target temp again by hand. If the off period is short (couple of minutes) it doesn’t reproduce.
Any clues?