My setup with a Pi3 has become unstable lately (randomly stops working after a few days) so I was looking into something new. The ODROID-N2+ seems nice and supported. I am just wondering if the GPIOs are usable in HA. There does not seem to be a GPIO integration like for the Pi and that integration only mentions Pi, not other hardware.
Also I noticed that the HA Blue case has the GPIO covered so that might be because it is not usable.
I face the same issue, to make long story short, I was looking for a new 12V powered SBC board, found the Odroid N2+ and then realized that homeassistant anounced Home assistant blue
Now my question, does somebody know if the Raspbee gateway does work on the N2 or should I order a Conbee USB stick as replacement?
I don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t, however I’m not sure the pins are the same as a Pi. If you can figure out the pin mapping you should be able to just use the rpi_gpio integration until someone writes an odroidn2+_gpio integration.
The odroid site mentions the pinout is similar and indeed the voltages/locations seem to match with the Pi layout.
I was more wondering about how to control the pins from HA.
I looked into it a bit more now and found this page but it seems a special verion of rpi.gpio is needed, so the standard Pi GPIO integration in HA won’t work. There is also a wiringPi package, but that is also a custom version, but at least it has a package on PyPi.
So it seems that the GPIOs on the odroid n2+ are not directly usable out-of-the box with HA. Not sure if I want to spend time on writing an integration for this.
I was able to get the GPIO’s to work when running Ubuntu with HA. (running under Py3)
Particularly 1-wire and close contacts. Wasn’t hard. HK has a good documentation on how to get them running on the hardware. HA integrations picked them right up.
If you are planning to run HA from the img installation, then from my finding you may be out of luck depending on what you want to do. This installation does not allow adding device drivers other than those already built into the kernel. I did not research what was there outside of the lack of 1-wire.
Yeah, I am currently running the image version and would like to keep doing that.
I think I am going to look into external GPIO solutions so I am less tied to the hardwareboard used and avoid the risk of killing the board when connecting GPIOs in a wrong way.
If you have a spare arduino they make decent IO expanders with the firmata integration. There is a bit of arduino coding involved then the arduino plugs into a USB port on for serial communication. I managed to get it working by modififying the examples in the firmata library to get some switches and binary sensors into HA.