Hello @ll,
i am running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi3+. Due to more an more Automations, Devices, … i want to change to ODroid N2+.
I read the installation documentation and i think i can do this. In the first part of the documentation it is explaned by using the sd card an so so, but then there is another chapter with “Containers”. Ist the N2+ using containers or is is it the same as on raspberry pi with no restrictions (no supervisor etc.). This is my first question on this topic.
The second one is what hardware i will need for n2+. I think, the N2+, an DC Adapter (12V/2,5A) a case? Do I need an eMMC which size, which os? Do I need anything else but an microSD Card (i already have)?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance, my not so perfect english and greetings from germany!
My shopping cart (withount an emmc). Is this suitable for my installation of home assistant?