Odroid XU 3?

Can I install on my XU3? What image would I use for this?

Sounds like a waste of resources to install on an XU3. I have an XU4 but I don’t use it for hass.io, it would be too hard to put other stuff on it. My XU4 has lots of software on it, plex media server (little underpowered, but it does the trick), hass, mqtt, sonarr, radarr, and a number of other things.

I wouldn’t put hass.io on it if you want to put other programs on it. Rather just do straight home-assistant on some sort of minimal server. I went all cowboy on it and I compiled my own armhf headless version of Debian using the Armbian project. But this is not a simple way to go for sure. Had to create a virtual machine running a specific version of Ubuntu then compile the Armbian project within that virtual machine. Probably way more than you want to do. I am sure you could use Rasbian or something similar.

I appreciate your response. I am a noob with all things linux don’t even know where to begin to end up with my XU3 a dedicated HA platform, so I am trying to muddle through how to do.

I currently use a Vera controller for my HA, which is quite extensive, including security, whole house A/V.

I bought the XU3 in the hopes of doing away with Vera and gain better stability throughout my HA. Maybe only have Vera manage my Z-wave network, but all the heavy lifting done via the XU3.

If you an idea of where to point me to get the XU3 onboard and running, I would be grateful.

Armbian has some premade armhf images that could work for your needs. You would be able to install home-assistant in that. I don’t see an image for XU3 specifically, but they have XU4 images. I am not completely sure of all the differences between the two boards, but I read one time they are very similar, you might be able to try out the XU4 image and see if it works: https://www.armbian.com/odroid-xu4/

Once you have a running OS you should be able to follow the basic home-assistant installation guides for ubuntu or debian and get it up and running.

Side note: As to why I compiled my own rather than using the premade images from Armbian, the images they provide all have desktops and most are based on Ubuntu. I didn’t want a desktop and I wanted to be on Debian, so I compiled Armbian myself to get those options, it really wasn’t super hard but it did require some knowledge of setting up a virtual machine, using the command line, crafting the command line switches for the compile using Armbian’s documentation, and patience since compiling can take a while.