Offset in Google calendar doesn't work

for testing, I would like to toogle a switch when an entry is in my calendar, with an offset of 1 Minute.

my google calendar config:

- cal_id: [email protected]
  - device_id: mullkalender
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Muellkalender
    track: true
    offset: "!!"


- id: '1649508612596'
  alias: Müllkalender
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: calendar.mullkalender
  condition: []
  - type: toggle
    device_id: a6dd56f9ffebbeb310d87471cdc60168
    entity_id: switch.stehlampe_on_off
    domain: switch
  mode: single

my calendar entry for example: “Testeintrag !!-1” (without the ")

How can I get it to work?


I’m wondering if this has something to do with the latest changes (I see that google calendar is now able to be configured via frontend this month).
I have calendar events for motor racing events, in the past I have used “F1 - Qualifying #Race !!-10” and it triggers an automation that flashes some lights 10 minutes before the start of the event. The automation worked at the correct time for the first 2 F1 events this year (in March), it wouldn’t have triggered for the last F1 event due to other conditions that would have prevented it, but this weekend the notifications came at the start of the events and not 10 minutes before.

Calendar definition for the Racing calendar from google_calendars.yaml

  - device_id: racing
    name: Racing
    track: true
    search: "#Race"
    offset: "!!"

Did some testing today and could not replicate the problem !!-10 resulted in a notification 10 minutes before an event.

I read Something about the offsets in changelog.
I will have to Test it again on Weekend.

The calendar integrations have been rewritten over the last few releases, and there was a bug in offset calculation in one of them, fixed in a patch release. If you see any issues with the latest versions let me know.

does this still not works ? and if it does, how should the automation look ?

Yes it works. Check out the integration documentation which has a few examples.

could you help with the automations - I got it working months ago , but it would not work now.

(I have tried the documentation)