Omni-bus light switch network over MQTT


Fairly new to HA and my next project is to try to connect my existing bus switch network with HA. My HAI Omni-bus system (HAI was bought by Leviton) was installed back in 2012 and it’s been running fine ever since. Now that I have HA installed and all my other devices like, Sonos, Wemo switches, Sonoff swithes, spa sensor, etc. are already running in HA I started wondering if it would be possible to also get my light switch bus network somehow connected too with HA.

Not knowing enough yet on what would be the best approach to start with, I was hoping to get some guidance from this forum. Here’s what I’ve been thinking so far…

MQTT enabled bus gateway to talk with omni-bus network -> broadcast topics via MQTT -> using node-RED to store the latest status -> use HA input booleans to control status of each light. Any other projects where people have successfully created these type of integrations? Also if you have any hardware in mind that would be suitable (wifi, din rail and 24V DC over ethernet cable since that is how HAI omni-bus gets powered today) that would be great.

Another option that I’ve thought about is using the USB programming interface ( that I happen to have. Connected with Nodemcu to simulate what the original software is doing and broadcasting again topics via MQTT over wifi. And using Node-RED to manage the logic.

So basically seeking for some guidance from you, HA gurus how approach this integration! :slight_smile: