On off state does not change when replacing switch with cover template

I wanted to change the icon in a lovelace card for an RF controlled roller showing as a switch with a cover template in my configuration yaml; unfortunately when I turn it on or off (via Alexa) the arrows to the right do not change. If I leave it as a switch it works fine. My concern is that my mistake may be in the template. I would highly appreciate some help.
This is my template:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Right Shutter"
          service: homeassistant.turn_off
          entity_id: switch.right_shutter
          service: homeassistant.turn_on
          entity_id: switch.right_shutter

Don’t you need a value_template or position_template?

I see there is an optimistic mode, so maybe not…

Since it is only referential (RF controlled) and don’t have a position sensor, I’m just looking for the regular on off activity to show on lovelace.

When you control it with Alexa, are you using the cover entity or the switch entity?

I assume it is the switch entity controlled by the cover entity by the instructions in the configuration yaml.

In optimistic mode (no template) I believe the cover state is only changed when you open or close the cover itself. If Alexa is controlling the switch entity, then HA doesn’t know when or how to update the cover state. For that you’d need to add a value_template. HA will track the state of whatever entities are used in the template.

If the switch state is updating properly, then try adding a value template, e.g.:

value_template: "{{ states('switch.right_shutter') }}"

Otherwise, you could try updating the Alexa configuration to use the cover entity instead.

Also, depending on what lovelace card you are trying to use, sometimes you can manually change icons. For example, the button card has an icon attribute. The icon for my garage door opener (also a cover) is mdi:garage.

Tried the value_template but doesn’t work. I’m using an entity card. I know I could use the button card but I guess now curiosity has a hold of me. I’ll try to declare the rf remote as cover and eliminate the cover template and see if it works. Sounds like a great idea. Will let you know how it went. Many thanks.

I guess I was more optimistic than the optimistic mode. Neither forcing optimistic mode nor what I thought was going to work, worked. Still looking for the best approach and solution.