On time motion sensor setting


I am confused by what my “on time” setting should be. I have powered and battery sensors and I have it set to as low as 30 seconds. What are the benefits of having it say stay on for 3 minutes instead of 30 seconds please? The default is 4 minutes. As in the bathroom/kitchen I could be in there for 10 seconds, why would I want to sensor to be “on” for a longer time please?

Just trying to get my head round it :smiley:


Theoretically, there are two purposes for motion sensors:

  • Turning lights off and on due to presence
  • Tracking Motion realtime

If you are turning lights on and off due to presence you should leave it longer, because motion tracking is not precise and the first time the light turns off on you, or someone else in the house you are going to be unhappy.
If you are tracking Motion realtime to see what room someone is actually in, you would want it at 30 seconds, like you mentioned so you can quickly see where there is no motion.

Every motion sensor is different, so you will have to play with the timer to understand what works best for you…

I have an lights off automation, that if no motion is detected after 2 minutes they turn off. This is why I used a shorter time out as if it keeps detecting someone, they won’t turn off until 2 minutes after they have left.

However I am looking at using them as an alarm system once I can convince my wife it is a good idea :slight_smile:

So I guess if I am doing it for that reason, I need a shorter timer… I’m probably over thinking it… I often do :slight_smile:

thanks for the reply… just curious what others do.