I have a Zigbee network with around 20 Ikea Tradfri bulbs, some Tradfri adapters and some Aqara door/window sensors. Using a Conbee II
I have two weird things happening.
Using ZHA light groups. I am having strange issues with bulbs turning other bulbs on/off. Lets say I turn on light group A. All the lights in the group light up, but some bulbs in light group B turns on as well. That happens with many of my light groups.
Using light groups in HA. Some lights in the group will not respond, and the command has to sent multiple times. Using scenes is even more useless.
Everything has been used in a Zigbee network in another house before, but has been reset and added to a new fresh install of HA. This is probably me not resetting and starting over the correct way, so help is much appreciated