I have a very strange phenomenon which I am hoping others can help with. I have an ESP32 board with two temperature sensors and a wifi signal strength sensor. All three sensors show up in the ESPHome logs and show as transmitting every 60 seconds. All three sensors show up as entities in the ESPHome Integration. All three show up in the Configuration > Entities list. However only the two temperature devices can be seen in the Home Assistant Overview. The Wifi Signal Strength does not show up in the overview.
Maybe you disabled it by accident.
Thanks WallyR. I checked that, but the Wifi sensor was not disabled. I have since added an Uptime sensor and that also was not automatically displayed in the Home Assistant overview. Just recently I have been able to add both the Wifi Sensor and the Uptime sensor to my “test dashboard”. This is a second dashboard I have in addition to the standard overview one. Both additions (Wifi strength, and Uptime) to the test dashboard work just fine, so neither are disabled, they just refuse to add automatically to the Overview. So now that I have a reasonable solution, I am OK. Now these are both “internal” sensors to the ESP32 device, so failure to automatically add to the Overview may actually be intentional!
Read here about entity categorization
With entities that are non-primary (so are either configuration or diagnostic entities), we now do the following:
Non-primary entities are hidden from generated Lovelace dashboards. This reduces the clutter and makes the generated dashboards more useful for daily use.
Thanks Francis. That recent change to entity categorization explains everything. Your input and help is appreciated.