One way 433RF switch with no value_template

Hi I control my heaters with one way 433RF communication
so I am not able to fill the value_template field of the switch.

as I cannot know the state what is my best choice, use the mqtt switch?

I would have a command_line switch wich :

  • send on and off with a 433RF py script this script send also state on the mqtt topic
  • take the value_template from the mqtt topic

is there a simple way to store the switch status? (as value_template is required)

Just leave the value template False:

value_template: "{{ False }}"

The sensor will always read off, but you’ll be able to turn it on or off whenever. It just will always look off in the interface.

indeed, but I worry where is stored the switch state, it does remain on or off when I click

It would be stored on the switch itself on the interface. But if you were to use voice commands or an automation, it would ignore the state of the switch and just fire the on or off command. That’s the beauty of switch templates.