I have installed Homebridge in Hass.io. In the Homebridge config I have set the “default_visibility” to “hidden”.
I have the following config in customize.yaml in Home Assistant:
friendly_name: Spots dubbel
friendly_name: Spots enkel
friendly_name: Spots
homebridge_hidden: false
homebridge_name: Keuken spots
friendly_name: Aanrecht
homebridge_hidden: false
When setting up homekit om my iPhone I see the HomeAssistant accessory. However I only get one device. Instead of the expected two (since I have configured two light with homebridge_hidden: false
). I also do not see the homebridge_name having any effect.
I have tried removing the persist folder and restarting Homebridge. Also tried changing my username, but none seemed to have any result.
I remain to get just one device on my iPhone.
What am I missing here?
If your device doesn’t show accordlingly.
Check your config.json, how is your setting. apart from default_visibility from hidden change to visible to see if homebridge see every devices from HA.
Once your devices expose to HA. you can manually customize in customize.yaml.
Good point! Forgot to mention that changing the default_visibility
to visible works. When I do this, I see all the devices.
I would like to expose only a few.
I use customize: from HA, to show or hidden from homebridge.
homebridge_hidden: true or false
friendly_name: Kitchen Aircon
homebridge_hidden: true <== this will be visible in homebridge / change from true to false
friendly_name: Kitchen Light
homebridge_hidden: true <== this will be visible in homebridge
I am not sure what I am missing here, but I think I have the same settings in my initial post. I have set homebridge_hidden to both true and false, but it still is not showing up.
can you post your config.json from homebridge?
If you want to hide everything as default, and then expose devices in per device-settings, set
default_visibility: hidden
Then in customize.yaml, set
homebridge_visible: true
It won’t work to choose hidden by default, and then enter homebridge_hidden: false
as you cannot override the default visibility that way.
It works the same if you want to do it the other way, to show everything by default and then choose what devices to hide. In that case set default_visibility: visible
and then enter homebridge_hidden: true
on every device you want to hide.
Hope that works out for you!
I got it to work! 
I set the homebridge_visible: true
in the customize.yaml with the default_visibility: hidden
in the config.json.
Then I rebooted hass.io, deleted the persist folder and changed the username in the config.json.
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