I accidentally installed and added a device to the esphome integration, but I forgot to put the substitution lines in the yaml file:
# This is the node inside the Jeep to provide presence.
device_name: jeep
So, lines like this:
# Get the WiFi details
- platform: wifi_info
name: ${display_name} IP Address
id: SteveLight_ip
name: ${display_name} SSID
name: ${display_name} Mac Address
Created entities named like:
${display_name} IP Address
I edited the yaml file to put the substitutions line in, recompiled, restarted HA, and… no change.
So, I delete the jeep integration, recompile, restarted HA, and no change.
I deleted the jeep.yaml file, deleted the integration, recompiled and restarted, and… no change.
Worse yet, discovery still finds the device that I deleted:
Additional info:
I did a grep for “jeep” in the config and all subdirectories and found nothing. Yet, home assistant still discovers the device.
How can I clean this mess up?