Need help with how to use Open Zwave Control Panel.
I have Aeon Labs DSA02203-ZWUS Z-Wave USB Dongle.
I can see all zwave devices and readings in HA
If I stop HA and open Open Zwave Control Panel, I cannot see the devices or USB dongle.
Need help with how to use Open Zwave Control Panel.
I have Aeon Labs DSA02203-ZWUS Z-Wave USB Dongle.
I can see all zwave devices and readings in HA
If I stop HA and open Open Zwave Control Panel, I cannot see the devices or USB dongle.
There is an input field where you have to insert the USB path to your zwave dongle (the same as in your HASS config) and then press initialize
Also, even though it’s a USB dongle, once you have the path inserted try initializing it without checking the USB checkbox. That fixed it for me in Ubuntu.
So how do you RELIABLY connect in OpenZwave CP running on and All in One? I can maybe connect after about an hour of playing, unplugging/resetting but not reliably. I am setting the Device Name, not checking USB. I can see communication in putty but very rarely does it “connect” and update the controller Status. Must HA be idle?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, shut down HA before running ozwcp - works great for me with the All in One installer.
So what is the recommended way to shut down HA? I put garbage in my configuration.ymal file to stop the boot but that didn’t seem to work so well.
Thanks in Advance!
Doesn’t work for eather