Since I’m running my HA on a headless server, I need to put the z-stick in my macbook to work it.
I had little luck compiling ozwcp on the mac. So I made a little Ubuntu VM with a running ozwcp on it.
The vm is made on VMWare Fusion (VirtualBox has USB access issues) and can also bu run on VMWare workstation (just remove the vmwarevm
extension and run the .vmx inside the folder).
It uses bridged networking and credentials are ozwcp/ozwcp.
start VM
insert zstick (Fusion/WMW should als where to attach the USB stick. Choose the VM)
log in
run ip addr
make note of the IP address
run lsusb
to verify the Zstick is connected
run ls /dev/
to list the devices (most likely /dev/ttyAMC0)
cd ~/open-zwave-control-panel
sudo ./ozwcp
(without sudo it cannot open the USB device)
open browser at IP address of the VM port 8090
on the ozwcp page, paste /dev/ttyACM0
(or whatever port you found)
Here’s the link for download: