Openbk (BK7231T) as a device in ha

i bought a “tuya led strip controller”. Unfortunately it has a bk7231t-chip and no esp32 chip inside. Normaly all my devices run tasmota, for this chip only openbk (tasmota clone) is available. Its working very well in the webapp an has a homeassistant integration with mqtt.

In HA under Settings > Devices > Entities are 4 options for the led-controller. But i cant find it as a device, like a tasmota device under “devices”-page. How i can integrate the new openbk device in ha like tasmota? In tasmota i select the entitie without any number behind, but theres no option for the openbk device. If i select “New device” under “devices” i cant find any openbk-like option.

Theres a tutorial-video from openbk community Easy Home Assistant Discovery Pairing for BK7231T, BK7231N, BL602, XR3, W800, W600, etc. - OpenBeken - YouTube
but its not shown how the device is integrated in ha settings. i dont have the default page in my ha where every new device is added automatically.

You will find your devices in HA under settings > integration > MQTT

I’m taken aback that I actually have to copy YAML from the device’s web interface into HA’s configuration.yaml… what if HA decides to change the YAML next time?

Surely, there must be a better way… perhaps conforming to the MQTT integration or an additional integration that talks to openBK like LocalTuya