OpenZWave Beta Secure Devices

So I have a bunch of devices on the new OpenZWave beta, but I noticed that none of them have the secure flag… So what am I doing wrong here. The network key is set in the config (it won’t start without it) then I go to service and run ozw.add_device With the secure option.
Now I’ve tried secure: 1 and secure: true… but the devices are always added without the secure flag.

The devices are all mostly Fibaro, newer models, Fibaro Wall Plug 2, Dimmer 2, etc…

They probably don’t support secure addition, and you really don’t want to add those devices securely anyway. It adds quite a bit of extra network traffic, and isn’t really necessary for anything other than locks, garage door openers, etc.

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Looks like it may also be a bug actually…

Perhaps, but my point stands - secure mode is discouraged for the type of devices you mentioned. Fishwaldo mentions that regularly when people ask on Discord.

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