I have been watching a video on migrating to OpenZwave(beta) from ZWave. From what I have seen it really is rather complicated for the lower level users like myself.
I read in https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/control-panel/ that the current ZWave integration will be eventually depreciated so when this happens I am assuming that there will be some sort of migration tool that will grab all the existing entities and use them or somehow relate them.
I would also think that the migration tool might include installing any per-requisite integrations like MQTT.
Just a little concerned that my ZWave network might get away from my skill level.
Can anyone enlighten me or allay my fears?
Skip ahead to 42 minutes into the video and you should see a little bit of the future direction. Pretty sure they also mention and show part of the migration wizard. Honestly until the time comes, I wouldn’t worry much about the migration process being to complicated because I’m sure this was also thought of. I’m sure they will give enough time before deprecating the old solution to move over to the new. There really isn’t much to the new integration and I’ve manually migrated mine over since it came out when I first got into HA. It’s not much different as far as usage goes and I love it.