I have 2 identical “smart switches” that use a Belkin BK7231n that I have successfully converted to ESPHome. I can update both devices OTA from ESPHome Builder, but one device always refuses to switch to the new update until I power cycle it.
The .yaml code is identical on both devices (apart from keys and passwords).
I would appreciate any suggestions as to why the 2 devices behave differently … ?
It just is. I have 8 supposedly identical Arlec switches PC191HA but some require a full power cycle, not just reboot, for updates to take. Also reported by others.
Yes, I have several, essentially identical, PC191HA’s and one of them has to be powered off for over an hour before the new ESPHome update will take effect! That makes no sense to me at all …
I’ve read of others having to wait hours but I only have to power down for a few minutes. I have some newer series 3 plugs now so need to see if they have the same issue. For me it’s not a problem. Just took a while to figure out how to get firmware loaded initially.