I migrated from VirtualBox to KVM maybe 2 months ago and have a few VMs running on a 20GB Intel i5 machine. Rebuilt HA from scratch as I wanted to make certain changes. All seemingly well.
Of late I’ve been getting these Out of memory
errors on the console.
The VM has 4GB of RAM / 2 vCPUs and I noticed the spikes in memory consumption on the next picture
is when these out of memory errors keep appearing.
I have noticed all this as the response on the browser was very sluggish or I couldn’t open files altogether in VSC and at times I was getting these disconnect errors in VSC when editing files or I can’t even open a log file.
What has changed? I had switched on debug for various components for a while. The home-assistant_v2.db
file has grown to 200MB (not sure this is big or not). After reading up I have deleted that file and saw a new one was created (not fussed about historical data at this point). The file size is 7MB after less than 24hrs.
I also have installed a few integrations in the meantime.
Does this ring any bells? What other diagnostic info can I present/collect to get further insights here?