Outdoor illuminance estimated from weather conditions

Released 2.0.2

Fixes problem caused by Yr Sensor change in HA 0.89 release.


Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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Just upgraded the component and then upgraded back to 0.89. No more errors. Thanks for the quick turnaround!

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Can’t load the component due to problem with Dark Sky version 0.91

Yep. The Great Migration strikes again. :slight_smile: Luckily that’s now done.

See Issue #127, including a workaround until I can release a new version.

Released 2.0.5

Apparently HA 0.92 will require all custom components to have a manifest.json file. And the custom updater requires the component to have an __init__.py file to load other files. This release should work with 0.92 and the latest custom updater.

NOTE: Because of the reorganization, it’s possible the custom updater may not be able to simply update the component. You may need to install it again using the custom_updater.install service. You may want to get the latest version before updating to 0.92.

Released 2.1.0 in new HACS-compliant repo.

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@pnbruckner you might want to edit your first post. Some of the links in it are broken since there have been changes.

Done. :slight_smile:

testing this as my aeotec I have outside is now reporting 0 lux and -50C constantly :smiley:

Do you have a ZW100 Multisensor 6? That’s what I use now. I hooked it up to AC power. Not only do I not have to change batteries now, it allowed me to configure it to update more frequently. If your issue is caused by the battery being drained, I’d strongly suggest running it off AC power if possible.

BTW I tried the Zooz ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor first but discovered it has a very restricted dynamic range for light. It was saturating at 100 while the light level outside was still relatively low. The ZW100 doesn’t have this issue and still has dynamic range left when it’s very bright. I moved the Zooz indoors and it works great for indoor lighting levels.

Mine is the aeotec mulisensor and it is powered and was working beautifully… Until recently is starts running will bizar values… I’ll have a look at the zw100 thanks.

edit… mine is the zw100… but has just gone duff… expensive to replace these buggers :slight_smile:

Seems like many people are having problems with version 0.101, so maybe better to ask here…
Anyone having issue with the component? Configuration check giving me this errror:

  General Errors: 
    - Platform error sensor.illuminance - No module named 'xmltodict'

I just tried it with 0.101.0 and it seems to work fine for me.

luckily that’s the only error I am getting, when commented the sensor out, everything seems ok. Anyways, I am not going to update tonight, but I will report back with more info.

[20:44:29] INFO: Checking your configuration against this version...
[20:48:56] INFO: Configuration check finished - no error found! :)

@pnbruckner If possible, could you please update this component to use the data provided by the Climacell service (https://github.com/r-renato/ha-climacell-weather), now that Dark Sky is on its way out?

I really like what you have created here and wish I would be able to use it even after Dark Sky is removed from my instance.

I could look into it. Please open an issue on the github repo.


Great! I opened an issue there :+1:

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@pnbruckner home assistant 0.115 has just been released and I’ve just seen that the yr.no integration is being removed. Will this affective the functionality of your sensor? It is recommended to install the met.no integration as an alternative. Will you be updating yrs_illuminace to include a met.no configuration option?

Your sensor has kept my apartment light switch free for what seems like forever, thank you so much. I will be waiting to update my system until you can confirm if this update will break my automations based on yrs_illuminance

Unfortunately I don’t have nearly as much time to dedicate to HA as I used to so I probably won’t be making any changes anytime soon.