Overview user grid screen - adding another person

I have been using HA for a number of years and it’s been excellent for the most part, but there is something i am having some trouble with which feels like it should be easy, but it’s somehow over complicated!

I have a Grid Card on the Overview screen which shows members of my family, and if they’re home or away etc. I think this was automatically added for me when i installed HA.

Now, i want to add a person to this grid, i’ve added the person in People/Users and they have their picture etc but when i try to add a new entity on the grid it’s missing their profile image and expects me to add the path manually?? for the others it’s a bunch of hexadecimal numbers and a path ie… /api/image/serv/d65be5a8fbc6a26f33b1…

if i go to look up the person entity, why can’t i view the image location? It seems such an obvious thing that’s been overlooked? From what i have read, i now need to SSH in and find this image path myself??

Thanks for reading