Owntracks mqtt mode with iOS app?

Does anyone know how to get to the mqtt setup on the Owntracks IOS app?
All i can get is Public Mode.

Pretty sure I used the booklet in the owntracks website

It is in the settings on the ios version in the app from memory - it takes a few clicks to dig down to it.

Make sure you can access your mqtt server from outside your network first!

It does look like the HASS site has lost a little of the getting started stuff for owntracks that was there before, however the owntracks site should give you the information.

This video might help; itā€™s how I set mine up. Granted Iā€™m using and Android and CloudMQTT but watching it may reveal something.

(I categorized your post and edited the title for clarity and to help you get a better answer.)

Thanks Robert. I got owntracks working on my Android tablet. That was easy. Just not the IPhone. Thereā€™s no way in the app I can find to switch to private mode

I found this:

Click the ā€˜iā€™ top left, then settings. Click the word ā€˜Publicā€™ next to ā€˜Modeā€™, you should then be able to cycle through the options.

Far from user friendly, but I think this is how you change it.

Yes I found that too. This is what I get:

And if you click on the word ā€œPublicā€ in Public Mode does it change at all? The thread I found this in mentioned it as ā€œa hidden menuā€.

Oh crap. I was clicking on the ā€œiā€ and not Private. Man I feel bad.

As long as it worked - donā€™t. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m concerned with. LOL

Its all good now. Thanks
Now I just have to figure out how to get my Iphones on the HA map.

Do they show as device trackers? Are they in the known_devices.yaml file? Is tracking turned on there?

Thatā€™s the first couple of things that come to mind. But remember Iā€™n iOS guy. :wink:

Yes they do. Except I have two entities of my Tablet know. lol

Just a heads up since not everyone knows this or remembers. If you are home, you wonā€™t show on the map.

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Ah yes I was just reading about that. Will see what happens when i head to work. lol
Thanks again.