OwnTracks not showing in map

When I first installed HASS last month, my location would show on the map. It no longer does that even though MQTT messages are received properly and my gps location is shown properly in the main interface.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

You won’t be shown on the map if you’re at home. Is that the case?

Doesn’t show under any circumstances. Just tried it now used fake GPS.

It draws the zones properly.

Hi, i have the same problem. Anyone have any ideas?

I also have the same problem. Haven’t figured it out yet. I will report back if I find a solution.

Same here; I has been working fine for a while but now this has been happening lately.

What is your setup like? I have iOS 9 and connect through cloudmqtt. I have a feeling that cloudmqtt might be the culprit because when I look in the owntracks app I’m seeing synack or other errors many times.

Still trying to figure it out and find where the issues might be.

I’m running Mosquitto MQTT on my own cloud instance. My mobile device is a Nexus 5 running Android 4.4 with OwnTracks.

Same issue here, two devices, neither show in map. (Even when not home)

Anyone have a fix?

This had occurred to me too. Sometimes when I add something new to the configuration.yawl, the location Icons on the map disappeared. I have to recall the backup previous version, then the location icon comes back. Sometimes It disappeared with unknown reason. So I went to cloudmqtt.com and tried to delete all the users and then created new ones with exactly the same names and passwords. Then my family member icons showed up to the maps again. Sometimes owntrack updates positions but Home assistant doesn’t update positions realtime. Sometimes when I reach my house, owntrack also reach my house at the same time, but HA reach the house, may be 5 or 10 minutes later.

At first I thought it was due to OwnTracks crashing so I created a Tasker task to confirm the process was running. If it detected it had died, it would start up the process without issue. When OwnTracks dies, the queue would show the older time with the incorrect lat and long. This works for the cases where it does die but I still occasionally find that the map doesn’t get updated. This happened this morning. HASS currently thinks I’m home, but checking the mqtt (mosquitto) queue shows my correct location and correct time.

home-assistant.log also shows the correct time as well as the correct lat and long.

3 of the other devices show the correct location.

I restarted HASS and all 4 devices show their correct location.

I’m having the same issue. Still looking for a solution.

I was looking at this recently and found that while OwnTracks was still running, I wasn’t seeing anything in my logs indicating that it was receiving data from the phone.

I found this on the OwnTracks github page.

It looks like an issue with the latest Android version.
